So here it begins if want to know how to do beautiful drawings. Maybe you’re not doing one of those steps and it block your potential. Let see which one that are missing in your drawing.
So first thing first. When you have to do your sketch you have to do it in a baseline form and afterwards add the bases shapes. The baseline is your skeleton. You have to make sure that you respect all the proportion of what you’re trying to draw. Than add some shape as the muscle. It doesn’t have to be perfect its just to base your drawing. Do it Lightly! You’ll have to erase or sketch over it. Another form of base line is a grid to help you find references.
Le Croquis formel
Once you’ve finish the step before. It form the thing, but you’ll stil have complete the real sketch. It must have more details. It shouldn’t just have your outlines it should also show your main shadings area and your main highlights area. It will help you to know where you should put your shadows and hightlight (well in hightlight I mean leave it white). An other thing you should add is directions. For an example when you draw hair you should also see in which direction your hair is going that will help you out for the next.
Ombrage ou Coloriage
À Cette étape, ce qu'il reste à faire c'est de carrément colorier. Si tu as bien fait l'étape juste avait celle-ce ça devrait relativement bien aller. Il n'y a pas de recette miracle. Il faut y aller avec Légèreté petit à petit, afin de construire l'ombre.
Aussi il est super important d'estomper, d'étendre et/ou de mélanger dépendamment du médiums. Cela permettra de faire des dégradé plus fluide ainsi qu'une meilleur transitions entre les zones.
Aussi n'aillez pas peur de mettre des détails. c'est ce qui fait toute la différences et qui fera en sorte que votre dessins sera plus réalistes.
Also in this that you want to make sure to make your blending even if it’s got a red pencil or in graphic pen so you want to make sure that you make it it will be very very more smooth.
After, for this that don’t be shy to had some detail is very important those still we make sure that or eyes see that you’re making all the detail over the reference picture which will has a more realism to her drawing.
Le noir doit être noir
I cannot make it simplier than that.
I told you in the step before that you should do layers and go very likely in your shading that’s true but when you have a very black area don’t forget to put it black I mean if you want to you could even use or Sharpie pens or a very dark colored pencil, to make that place very dark. It’ll definitely help you out to actually make your contrast more realistic has you have your real black…well you know, black and also it will tell you where to start your gradients.
Ajoutes les Zones Ultra Lumineuse.
If you’re enjoying any kind of realistic drawing this will be a revelation. I told your to put black black? well the same goes with the White. With this, use anything you can to make it white: gel pen, blade, embroidery, mecanical eraser, anything. It’s very very important that you put those. It should be the first and the last steps because those highlight are hard to do you can do it by embroidery your paper before hand. I usually use a dot pen for nail art. As it has a round point it doesn’t cut the paper. Or you can do it afterwards with a knife. You can also put some gel pens do what you want. When it was the first time I was trying to do highlights and I didn’t have access to gel pen I actually use a basic liquid correctors that you use for correct text and letter. When you do it with one that you can get at the dollar store. So there’s very no way you can just step out of that step. If you just want to try that before investing any money a for your drawing because I understand that everything you need for drawing is pretty expensive well just go with the liquid paper I’m sure you have some at home anyways so why don’t just test it up.
En conclusion. Je veux être sur que tu comprennent que ces 5 étapes doivent être respectées. Peut-être pas toutes dans cet ordre là. mais ça devrait y ressembler.